Saturday, December 6, 2008


Future? Do my future is within my control or beyond my control?It's always so helpless and speechless in my life..

I do things with no regret, try my best to do every single things but still everything goes beyond my control and it become more challenging..

I'm so tired all these years, i always wondering why my life need to go through all these painful pain no gain..but what i gain in the end?

The God is playing a fool with me..i lost my family, lost my loves one,lost everything in life..I'm just 23 years old, why i should went through all these hardship..

It's hard to accept, but i still need to move on, but nobody knows what i want the most in my life..

When i see the hopes in life, but there is someone always come to make me feel worst by his harsh words instead of giving me support, care n so on..

I'm also a human, i do have my feelings and emotions..why i must give in so much and he just know to take everything from me n starting slowly to destroy my life when i getting better n better..

He will never have a guilt heart after all of his mistakes..He always thought of not scolding me with rude words then it's be nice to me..He actually trying to play game theory with me,change the rule of the game by explaining to me nicely and he thought he will be one of the nice man in my life..

But he never knows, he already slowly making my heart become weak..He knows what he do will affect my health but he still choosing to hurt me that way, WHY WHY WHY?

I cant seem to be understand all these while, i'm GOOd towards him, why he want be the MAN that i hate the most and so on..

Why cant he learn to care,responsible,support instead of destroying n hurting ppl..


CAn anyone tell me,how do i escape this type of life..


Razigan said...

Hi Yingwah,

Sorry about ur family.

U got to get out of " sense of Scarcity " and go it to " sense of abundance. "

There is definitely lot more to live than u think is there......

YingWah said...

it's ok,i cant take it anymore..i had enough..

My emotions tortured myself 5 years already, i going to get mad soon..

MOre THan words..

Razigan said...

That's fine........

The question here is:

Whether do u choose to live ur life? or u r letting others to make ur life?

There is a lot of difference the two questions mean.........

As a small excercise...... Try finding stimulus that makes u feel angry or bogged down from now on. For the first stimulus you confront upon, U choose to decide based on the consequences than to react to the circumstances.

This simple exercise will change ur life. If not... contact me at . I will explain u better and further.